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English: We do not know what might happen tomorrow.
Chinese: 我们不知道明天可能发生什么。
Chinese (pinyin): Wǒmen bù zhīdào míngtiān kěnéng fāshēng shénme.

Pekzep (latin transcription): pai2 ge mun1 can2 et2 ut2 kia1 nan2 aim2.
Pekzep (hanzi transcription): 我等無識一下日何在。
Pekzep (linzklā):
Sound Recording by jekto.vatimeliju (not reviewed) / 这是jekto.vatimeliju (not reviewed)的录音。 :
pai2 ge我等nounwe
mun1verb-modifiernegative markernot
can2question-clause-takerto know the answer to the question clause
et2 ut2 kia1一下日temporal wordtomorrow
aim2verbto exist