a | 之 | relativizer | relativizer |
tui2 ka1 ak1 ie hia1 guk2 a cuk2 a be1.
Give the book to whomever wants it. / 这本书谁想要就给谁吧。
pai2 mun1 a kak sui1 zep1 kik1 zep1 pai2 a cuk2 aim2 yn2?
Did anyone call me while I was out? / 我出去的时候有人打我电话吗?
mua2 ty sak2 a kak pai2 mok1 mok1 ta.
I'll already be gone before you come back. / 你回来之前我已经走了。
nau hia1 put ie put mun1 can2 zap2 a sau2 kak a cuk2.
Don't believe a person who you don't know anything about his past. / 不要相信一个你一点都不了解他过去的人。
mua2 py ian1 su1 a ku taun1 ie ze1 su1 hue.
That store has a lot of things you can buy. / 那个商店有很多东西可以买。
mua2 py ian1 su1 a ku mun1 taun1 ie ka1 su1 hue.
This store does not have a lot of things you can buy. / 这个商店没有很多东西可以买。
mua2 py ian1 su1 a ku taun1 ie ka1 su1 hue.
This store has a lot of things you can buy. / 这个商店有很多东西可以买。
lua1 zap2 hop1 pua2 a cuop2 pua2 zap2 kit hia1 kait.
Hearing news of her success, he was very happy. / 听到她成功的消息,他很高兴。
ka1 pai2 hue1 kak aim2 a mut2.
This is the house where I used to live when I was young. / 这是我年轻时候住的房子。
pek2 zep1 ka1 kit pua2 aim2 a zep1.
Pekzep is a very interesting language. / 牌语是一种很有意思的语言。
pai2 a ki1 sau2 huok1 can2 kua2 pek2 zep1 a sit1.
My older brother knows how to write Pekzep. / 我哥哥会写牌语。
sau2 nui2 hue zap2 a kuak1 lo a (a).
The university was established by his father. / 大学是他父亲建立的。
iam1 tua1 a kak pai2 a pa2 hia1 kait.
My dog is happy when he eats fruit. / 我的狗吃水果的时候很开心。
zap2 ge mun1 hia1 bet2 man1 mua2 kua2 a ak1.
They don't want to print the book that you wrote. / 他们不想印刷你写的书。
ta1 mua2 kua2 a zui1 ak1 pau1 ua mun1 kait can2 sak2.
I read your paper but didn't understand it well. / 我读了你的论文,但没能很好地理解。
kua2 bia1 dat2 xom1 mak2 ta aim2 ie zuo1 a cuk2.
The Ministry of Civil Affairs counted how many people lives in the district. / 民政部统计了有多少人住在该区。
hup1 hue xi1 mok1 a kak pai2 ge ta1 tua1 hup1.
We saw a fruit tree while walking in the forest. / 我们在森林里散步时看到果树。
xi1 mok1 ie zo1 a kak pai2 ge ta1 taun1 xuo1.
We saw a lot of flowers while walking in the mountain. / 我们在山中行走时看到了很多花。
tut1 kia1 zap2 kua2 a ak1 guk2 ta1.
The book that he wrote is read every day. / 他所写的书每天都被人阅读。
hei2 kat1 mun1 hop1 mok1 nui2 hue a su1.
Poor kids don't have money to go to school. / 贫穷的孩子没有钱上学。
mua2 ka1 hue uaip2 hei2 a et2 pui1 kait cuk2
You are the best person to help the poor in this place. / 你是这个地方帮助穷人的最佳人选。