occurrences / 出现次数 / 出現回数 : 45
ka1 kia1 zap2 ie nan2 ty sak2 ie kua2 hue?
Why will she go back to Quahua today? / 她为什么今天要回笔处?
et2 sau2 kia1 zap2 hut2 syt2 tun2 ua mok1 kua2 hue ta.
Yesterday, he left Makati and went to Quahua. / 昨天他离开天神去笔处了。
"mua2 py kua2 lin man1 yn2?" "mun1."
"Can you write Linzklā characters?" "No." / 「您会写磷字吗?」「不会。」
"kua2 lin man1 ka1 pek1 yn2?" "aim2. pai2 mun1 can2 lin man1."
"Is it difficult to write Linzklā characters?" "Very difficult. I don't know Linzklā characters." / 「写磷字难吗?」「很难。我不认识磷字。」
pai2 a ki1 sau2 huok1 can2 kua2 pek2 zep1 a sit1.
My older brother knows how to write Pekzep. / 我哥哥会写牌语。
lo1 bum1 mun1 pok. mun1 py kua2 kun2. hia1 ty ta1 ze1.
Communication was poor and I wasn't able to take notes; I'd like to see it again. / 通讯条件不好,我没能记下笔记,我想再看看。
zap2 ge mun1 hia1 bet2 man1 mua2 kua2 a ak1.
They don't want to print the book that you wrote. / 他们不想印刷你写的书。
ta1 mua2 kua2 a zui1 ak1 pau1 ua mun1 kait can2 sak2.
I read your paper but didn't understand it well. / 我读了你的论文,但没能很好地理解。
pai2 ge huep2 hia1 dat2 ly kua2 pai2 ge a taun1 nim2 sip1 a huep2 hia1.
We, the people of the Ministry of Culture, have to document the culture of our multi-ethnic nation. / 我们文化部必须记录我们多民族国家的文化。
kua2 bia1 dat2 xom1 mak2 ta aim2 ie zuo1 a cuk2.
The Ministry of Civil Affairs counted how many people lives in the district. / 民政部统计了有多少人住在该区。
sia1 lai1 sip1 cuk2 sui1 im1 kua2 kua2 ak1.
Ancient Lanermic people used writing brushes to write. / 古代罗国人用毛笔写字。
taun1 sue1 mut2 aim2 ie kua2 hue.
There are a lot of tall buildings in Quahua. / 笔处有很多高楼大厦。
tut1 kia1 zap2 kua2 a ak1 guk2 ta1.
The book that he wrote is read every day. / 他所写的书每天都被人阅读。
Words containing this character / 包含这个磷字的词语 / この燐字を含む語 :
kua2 | 筆 | name | Qa (name) | ||
kua2 | 筆 | verb | to write | ||
kua2 hue | 筆処 | place word | Quahua (a large city in the Ai'ren Republic) | ||
kua2 | 筆 | noun | pen, writing utensil | ||
sy2 kua2 | 石筆 | noun | pencil | ||
pok sy2 kua2 | 色石筆 | noun | colored pencil | ||
kua2 bia1 dat2 | 筆民集 | noun | The Ministry of Civil Affairs |