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English: The fisherman caught a fish and ate it.
Chinese: 渔夫捕到了一条鱼并吃了它。
Chinese (pinyin): Yúfū bǔ dàole yītiáo yú bìng chīle tā.
Japanese: 漁師は魚を捕らえて食べました

Pekzep (latin transcription): sep mui1 cuk2 hop1 sep ta mui1 ua iam1 ta.
Pekzep (hanzi transcription): 享魚人手享終魚而口終。
Pekzep (linzklā):
Sound Recording by jekto.vatimeliju (not reviewed) / 这是jekto.vatimeliju (not reviewed)的录音。 :
sep mui1 cuk2享魚人nounfisherman
hop1 sep // mui1手享 // 魚 // verb-object compoundto capture a fish
tapost-verbial / sentence-final particleaspect markerdid
hop1 sep // mui1手享 // // verb-object compoundto capture a fish
iam1verbto eat
tapost-verbial / sentence-final particleaspect markerdid