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English: Computers have many uses.
Chinese: 电脑的用途很广。
Chinese (pinyin): Diànnǎo de yòngtú hěn guǎng.

Pekzep (latin transcription): taun1 sui1 sit1 aim2 ie li1.
Pekzep (hanzi transcription): 多使術在於倉。
Pekzep (linzklā):
Sound Recording by jekto.vatimeliju (not reviewed) / 这是jekto.vatimeliju (not reviewed)的录音。 :
taun1noun-modifiera lot of
sui1 sit1使術nounway of using, use
aim2 {ie N}在 {於N} {N}verbto be {at a place}
iecoverb(indirect object of a verb)