tui2 nui2 cuk2 | 与学人 | noun | teacher |
tui2 nui2 cuk2 tui2 lip zep1 a nui2 ie pai2 ge.
The teacher teaches Linepāine to us. / 老师教我们哩文。
"mua2 sep2 sit1 cuk2 yn2?" "mun1. pai2 tui2 nui2 cuk2."
"Are you a doctor?" "No. I'm a teacher." / 「你是医生吗?」「不是。我是老师。」
ka1 tui2 nui2 cuk2 a zep1 cuop2 mun1 kait.
The teacher's pronunciation is not good. / 这位老师发音不好。
pai2 lua1 can2 tui2 nui2 cuk2 a zep1 cuop2 mun1 kait.
I've heard that the teacher's pronunciation is not good. / 我听说这位老师发音不好。
pai2 lua1 can2 ta ka1 tui2 nui2 cuk2 kit pua2 mun1.
I've heard that this teacher is very boring. / 我听说这位老师很无聊。