sak2post-verbial particlemovement-marker of arrival


"et2 sau2 kia1 mua2 sui1 zep1 kik1 zep1 sak2 pai2 yn2?" "aim2. mua2 mun1 hop1 sak2."

"Did you call me yesterday?" "Yes. You did not answer the phone." / 「你昨天给我打电话了吗?」「对啊。你不接电话。」


hia1 tui2 sak2 ut2 ik2 niep1 a kot tia2 at et2 niep1 a det tia2.

Please bring two cups of teas and a cup of coffee. / 请来两杯茶和一杯咖啡。


zap2 hop1 sak2 et2 ak1 ie hy2.

He takes a book off the shelf. / 他从书架上抽出一本书。


zap2 dat2 sak2 tu2 gau2.

He gathered his toys together. / 他收起了他的玩具。


tum1 sik2 li2 ly taun1 a dat2 sak2 tum1 sik2.

Honeybees are busily collecting honey. / 蜜蜂在勤劳的采蜜。


sep mui1 cuk2 aim2 mi2 sak2 mui1 tuk2.

The fisherman is drawing in the fishing net. / 渔民在收渔网。


tum1 sik2 li2 aim2 dat2 sak2 tum1 sik2 ie xuo1.

The bees are collecting honey from the flowers. / 蜜蜂正在采花蜜。